LG Electronics joins hands with Unity to develop digital human and meta home technologies

LG Electronics joins hands with Unity to develop digital human and meta home technologies

Aju Business Daily 2022-10-17 12:33:42 신고

[Courtesy of LG Electronics]
SEOUL -- LG Electronics joined hands with Unity Technologies, a video game software development company based in San Francisco, to develop technologies for realistic digital humans and a meta home that would allow customers to control home appliances in real time through a virtual space that looks exactly like their home. 

LG Electronics' voice recognition, natural language processing, situation understanding technology will be combined with Unity's cross-platform game engine used for the development of virtual humans that can have real-time interactions and facial expressions similar to humans. Digital humans recognize the situation of customers, provide information in real time, and help them control home appliances. 

"The combination of LG Electronics' understanding of people and space and Unity's graphic know-how will provide a differentiated customer experience in virtual space," LG Electronics' chief technology officer Kim Byoung-hoon said in a statement on October 17. Customers can simply move and place furniture or products and use the space as a community that shares product usage know-how with others. 

"We will actively support Unity's metaverse platform technology and resources in a new attempt to incorporate metaverse into home appliances so that customers can enjoy differentiated experiences," Unity Technologies Korea head Kim In-suk was quoted as saying. 

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