SK geo centric ties up with Hanjin to expand use of unidirectional sheet composite materials

SK geo centric ties up with Hanjin to expand use of unidirectional sheet composite materials

Aju Business Daily 2022-10-18 16:37:00 신고

[Courtesy of SK Geo Centric]
SEOUL -- SK geo centric, a chemical company affiliated with South Korea's SK Group, tied up with Hanjin, a domestic logistics company, to cooperate in expanding the use of lightweight composite materials made of unidirectional sheet, based on their three-month durability test with commercial vehicle top loading boxes. 

Unidirectional tapes are composite materials impregnated with a polymer matrix with all fibers running in the same direction. Unidirectional tapes are utilized most commonly by automotive and aerospace industries because they can be made in a variety of weights and thicknesses to meet customer requirements. They offer high fatigue tolerance and improve the strength of structural components. 
In a three-month joint test that began in May 2022, SKGC and Hanjin confirmed the effectiveness of unidirectional tapes applied to the loading boxes of two Hanjin freezer delivery vehicles. The weight of loaders has been reduced by about 10 percent compared to the previous one using aluminum.

"We have secured an opportunity to expand our eco-friendly business through cooperation with companies with excellent capabilities in each field," SK geo centric CEO Na Kyung-soo said in a statement on October 18. "We will continue to develop and apply vehicle lightweight materials."

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